Friday 5 August 2016


      Light, Torch, Lamp, Electric, ...  Spotlight Light, Torch, Lamp, Electric, ...

It’s so wet on my stomach but the worst thing is that it’s a cold and dark night and that means that I really should have picked another hiding spot than under the car.
Oh know I hear feet stomping, first Ashton rushes past and then a few seconds later the spotter goes past and yells out “ spotlight Ashton, for the second time now!” The night goes deathly quiet, then 1,2,3. He’s started counting. Should I move  Nah, 38, 39, 40. Off he goes into the cold night in a search to find someone before we have to go inside. Again the night goes deathly quiet. Bam! What was that? I question myself I look across the concrete I see shoes that none of us kids are wearing. Oh, know it’s one of the adults and their heading towards the car. If the car moves I’m dead!!! Bam! The front door closes again. Man I hate it when that happens. Light I see a light I better be quiet or I’m spotted. Nope false Alarm  it’s just Sams phone calling my name and saying “spotlight Pippa.” But it doesn’t work on me ( this time. ) As he leaves I see a light struck my eyes. Ashton’s found, but how Sam who know this place better than he does. “Spotlight Pippa.” “yeah yeah I know.” As I start counting 1,2,3 I see something in the distance. It’s running over but it’s smaller than anyone here. Oh I know what it is it’s a here (which is sort of like a rabbit but it runs.) It’s coming closer and closer but that’s not my problem. 38,39,40. I’m finished counting I rush around the house eager to find someone. “Spotlight Harry” “dam.” “Well that’s the end of that I’m going inside I’m bored!!!!!!!!”